A little boy is dreaming of
A star that always shines above.
Whenever he looks at the sky
He sees her shining way up high.
"If I could only shine that bright,
I'd shine on every human heart.
I'd make them happier than they are.
Oh, how I wish to be a star!"
A girl is dreaming of a wedding ring.
Dog wants to talk, a frog to sing.
A cat is wishing he could swim
Well, everybody has a dream.
And so I have a wish for you.
I wish you'd always find it true
That in God's eyes you are a star
And you're the best the way you are.
©ArtPeace 1994 (verify date)
A little boy is dreaming of
A star that always shines above.
Whenever he looks at the sky
He sees her shining way up high.
"If I could only shine that bright,
I'd shine on every human heart.
I'd make them happier than they are.
Oh, how I wish to be a star!"
A girl is dreaming of a wedding ring.
Dog wants to talk, a frog to sing.
A cat is wishing he could swim
Well, everybody has a dream.
And so I have a wish for you.
I wish you'd always find it true
That in God's eyes you are a star
And you're the best the way you are.
©ArtPeace 1994 (verify date)
I wrote this poem/song for my sons when they were little. While producing the song in the studio, I wanted to include recordings of children sharing their different dreams. To avoid influencing their answers, I asked my friend Joan to interview my boys. We expected answers that would relate to the toys they wanted or some typical child-like dreams. The interview started with my six-year-old son, Adrian, whom we called Adrianek as a child. His response was so special and unexpected that it caught Joan by surprise. "Adrianek, if you could have all the toys in the world, or do anything in the world, what would you do?" Joan asked. "If I could do anything?..." Adrian delved into deep thought. After a moment, he proclaimed with strong conviction, "I'd help sad!" He then waited for the next question. Joan was puzzled. She waited for a while, hoping he would clarify his answer. Eventually, she asked, "You'd help... sad???" Adrian, with a tone of voice that made it seem like the most obvious thing in the world, spread his palms and answered, "I'd help sad be happy! Simple." I wanted to share this story with you because I also didn't expect such an answer from my six-year-old son. Now, years later, I realize that I created this online literary journal, TheHealingPoems.com, for exactly the same reason — to MAKE OURSELVES AND OUR SURROUNDINGS BETTER, in Adrian's words, to make SAD— HAPPY! |
One of my huge passions is to spread lullabies that instill positive messages. I often sang this song/lullaby to my boys when they were little. In the middle section of the song recording below, you will hear my young children spontaneously sharing their dreams. I decided to put Adrian's answer at the beginning of the song. You can hear the song and the excerpt of the interview here: