Please, don’t put me down,
as I am already carrying the weight
of my own doubts.
Please, don’t weaken me
with your discouraging comments,
with your jabs and criticism--
because they do hurt.
My nature is such
that the stones you throw--
they wound deeply.
They weaken me,
make me hide,
make me run away.
Worst of all,
they silence me.
My poems, songs, and drawings
will stay hidden.
My fragile heart
will stop beating for others,
will stop beating,
will stop.
And my will to create?
What becomes of it?
Yes, though my will
to create still exists,
without a heart
beating with the passion
to serve others,
my will, too, will fade.
So please, don’t put me down.
Don’t discourage me.
Don’t assign me traits that are not mine.
If you can’t see my creations as gifts--
because that’s what they are--
then please, simply walk away.
But maybe, just maybe,
before you do,
before you pass judgment on my art,
pause for a moment,
open your heart.
Listen to its rhythm.
Maybe, just maybe,
behind your need to bring me down
lies another need--
a far deeper one--
to lift yourself up.
If you can see that,
then know this:
in everything I create,
there’s a gift for you,
a spark to inspire you,
to transform judgment,
and hatred,
into something greater:
To help you become
more fulfilled,
and, most importantly,
more loving--
to others and to yourself.
Then, you will no longer
feel the need to put me down.
And together,
we will build a world
where art heals,
hearts open,
and spirits soar.
©2025 Artpeace Publishing (1.13.25)
as I am already carrying the weight
of my own doubts.
Please, don’t weaken me
with your discouraging comments,
with your jabs and criticism--
because they do hurt.
My nature is such
that the stones you throw--
they wound deeply.
They weaken me,
make me hide,
make me run away.
Worst of all,
they silence me.
My poems, songs, and drawings
will stay hidden.
My fragile heart
will stop beating for others,
will stop beating,
will stop.
And my will to create?
What becomes of it?
Yes, though my will
to create still exists,
without a heart
beating with the passion
to serve others,
my will, too, will fade.
So please, don’t put me down.
Don’t discourage me.
Don’t assign me traits that are not mine.
If you can’t see my creations as gifts--
because that’s what they are--
then please, simply walk away.
But maybe, just maybe,
before you do,
before you pass judgment on my art,
pause for a moment,
open your heart.
Listen to its rhythm.
Maybe, just maybe,
behind your need to bring me down
lies another need--
a far deeper one--
to lift yourself up.
If you can see that,
then know this:
in everything I create,
there’s a gift for you,
a spark to inspire you,
to transform judgment,
and hatred,
into something greater:
To help you become
more fulfilled,
and, most importantly,
more loving--
to others and to yourself.
Then, you will no longer
feel the need to put me down.
And together,
we will build a world
where art heals,
hearts open,
and spirits soar.
©2025 Artpeace Publishing (1.13.25)