I have received a very nice email from Jurij Šoba from Ljubljana, Slovenia, with a translation of two of my poems. I don't know Slovenian but there are some similar words to my native language, Polish. I can see that Jurij translations is well done. It is quite difficult to translate poetry that rhymes, keeping the message and the rhyme as well. I am impressed and honored.
Hudo Deprimiran |
I have been depressed.
Deeply pressed. So pressed that I couldn’t see who was the one that was pressing me. One day in my bedroom I turned on the light, and that’s when I saw it. What a scary sight! It looked just like... oh no, it can’t be! Human hair, nose, eyes, and... it was looking at me! I picked up a hammer and hit it, it was weird. It made the strangest sound and then... it disappeared. Since then I’ve been happy, but now and then I step on a piece of broken glass from the mirror by my bed. LILIANA KOHANN ©Artpeace 2002 |
Sem v stisko zašel.
Bil sprešan, deprimiran hudo in nisem vedel, kdo me tlači tako. Nekoč v moji sobi ko luč sem prižgal, tedaj, jojme groza, sem krivca spoznal! Prav isti kot… Oh ne, pa saj ni res! Oči v mé strmé, lasje, nos, par ušes! Sem zgrabil kladivo, udaril. Zvok je spustíl, preden je izginil, prav čuden, grozljiv. Od takrát sem srečen, vendár pa slej ko prej, še kakšen kos zrcala pohodim v sobi tej. LILIANA KOHANN ©Artpeace 2002 Translated by JURIJ ŠOBA from Slovenia |
PROCRASTINATION AND DEPRESSIONProcrastination and Depression
I can’t stand the two of you. Procrastination and Depression you ruin everything I do. Every time I’m doing better, my heart fills with brand new hope, you are standing right behind me, ever tightening your black rope. Yes, you overtake my body like a virus, with no end. All my positive intentions are destroyed within your hands. At times when I tell myself to be loving to myself, you are right around the corner and my self-love goes to hell. Every time that I feel stronger and I have a successful day, you show up out of nowhere and what's sad — I let you stay. LILIANA KOHANN ©Artpeace 2002 |
Pasivnost in DepresijaPasivnosti in depresije,
se mi zdržati več ne da. Pasivnosti in depresije, ki delo vse uničita. Vedno, ko sem malo bolje, se v srcu upanje zbudi, že sta vidva mi za hrbtom, začutim črne stisk vrvi. Preplavljata brez konca kot virusi telo do dna. Pozitivni vsi nameni zdrobe se v vajinih rokah. Ko dopovem si včasih, ljubiti sebe treba je, že čakata za voglom, po gobe ta ljubezen gre. Vedno kadar sem močnejši, uspešen dan, se zdi, bo ta, prikradeta se od nekod, žal popustim: »Ostánita.« LILIANA KOHANN ©Artpeace 2002 Translated by JURIJ ŠOBA from Slovenia |